The pottery lines and images contained herein are limited to the "Brush-McCoy Pottery Company" only, as "Brush Pottery Co." was no longer a McCoy company. In fact in April of 1910, about the time J.W. McCoy and George Brush were moving towards "Brush-McCoy", J.W. McCoy's son Nelson, together with his father, $5000.00 in cash and the help of shareholders J.B. Owens, G.E. Turner, E.E. Pletcher, Charles Rhinerbarger and Isaac Klinger, formed The Nelson McCoy Sanitary and Stoneware Company.
Brush-McCoy Marks
Most of the early J.W. McCoy pottery, Brush McCoy, was not marked. Some items have only an impressed shape or number.
This was the trademark of the Brush-McCoy Pottery Company from 1915-1925
A marks drawn by hand from pieces in our collection. Streamlined and redrawn in Adobe Illustrator, finally rasterized and saved as jpegs in Adobe Photoshop.
Early 1900's Blended Glazed Pots and Pedestals, Umbrella Stands, Cuspidors. . . Finely modeled decorations in blended glazes.
Early 1900's Fire Clay Cooking Ware . . . Bristol glazed crockery, sometimes lined in blue.
Early 1900's Stoneman ButterJars. . . Stoneware.
Early 1900's Combinets and Chambers . . . Plain white, blue tint, green stippled, Greenon-Ivory, and Blue Banded on standard shape.
Early 1900's Red Burned Flower Pots and Sa ucers. . . in graduated sizes.
Early 1900's Rosewood. . . Standard brown glazed ware on simple shapes, decorated only with diagonal orange streaks.
1902 Mt. Pelee. . . Molded ware that has been altered while in the wet state by pinching and pulling the clay to form valleys and crests. Most commonly found in an iridescent charcoal grey, mat green has been reported . . . other colors are possible.
1904 Green -On -lvory . . . Spongeware-type utility ware, mixing bowls decorated with overall pineapple embossing.
1905 Loy-Nel-Art. . . Standard brown art ware, hand decorated under the glaze with colored slip. Shapes were simple and floral studies were by far the most popular.
1905 Olympia . . . Beautifully modeled brown glaze art ware, decorated in natural colors with wreaths of leaves and berries or simple floral sprays in low relief. Some pieces are further enhanced by diagonal orange brush streaks on the reverse.
1905 Rosewood (Second line) . . . Very similar to Olympia.
1905 Renaissance. . . Very rare brown glazed artist decorated ware of superior quality.
1910 Red Onyx. . . Jardinieres, pedestals, umbrella stands, etc., in a high gloss glaze of rich colors in a drip-effect.
1910 Liberty Bell . . . Umbrella stand, with Independence Hall on the back, Liberty Bell embossed on the front, #73, 21" high in blended glaze, designed by Cusick.
1910 Marble Ware. . . The design is reminiscent of Greek columns, sometimes with Greek key pattern, in an ivory, marble-effect glaze.
1910 Mat Green . . . Mat green glaze on various simple, unadorned shapes: an Egyptian border design umbrella stand, 21" high; plain ardiniere and pedestal; umbrella stand; a vase with Greek key design; a footed Egyptian jardiniere with sphinx, pyramids, 10 1/2".
1910 Old Ivory Ware. . . Finely embossed and modeled, the body is Ivory ware with a creamy glaze. The modeling is brought out with rich brown in the incisions and around the embossed work.
1910 Corn Line. . . A fine cream body, highly glazed in natural colors of green and yellow, in tankards, pitchers, creamer, steins, cereal jar, spice jar, butter jar, tobacco jar and salt box.
1910 Decorated Pitchers . . . Natural colors on ivory, or blue decoration on Bristol glaze. Corn, Tulip, Daisy, Copenhagen (daffodil) Iris, Holland jug (Fancy shape, decorated with three daisies), Indian village, with matching mug.
1910 Frog Cuspidor. . . Finely modeled frogs on front and back with green predominating.
1910 Blue Mottled, Blue Mottled and Banded . . . Sponge-ware type decoration on Ivory background, domestic wares.
1910 Billy Possum Money Bank . . . Figural money bank, 5~~", in green and brown glaze.
1910 Baby Mug . . . Cream inside with blue exterior, the mug has two large handles and is decorated with the letters "Baby".
1910 Blue Stenciled Ware. . . Utility ware . . . rolling pin, stirring bowls, jug, hanging salt box, and butterpot . . . in ivory Bristol glaze decorated with stenciled floral motif.
1910 Blue Banded Ware. . . Utility ware, such as shoulder bowls, bread jar, etc., in ivory with blue bands.
1910 ButterJars. . . Blue decoration on ivory glaze in various designs: Daisy; Holland (Dutch kids); Indian (embossed scene with two Indians and fawn).
1912 Grape Ware. . . High glazed utility ware with lattice background in white with blue grapes and green leaves, brown shading around top and green around bottom.
1912 Venetian Ware. . . Horizontal bands of deep gold separated by wide creamware bands decorated with stylized floral patterns utilizing pouncing technique (very similar to Roseville Persian).
1912 Decorated Ivory Woodland . . . Tall trees with fence in background is embossed in wide, horizontal center panel. When a top panel is added, it is of flying geese. The bottom panel which shows rabbits is used only on larger pieces. The mat glaze is deep gold with ivory highlights and green bands.
1912 Green Woodland? Brown Woodland. . . Same pattern? but in a high gloss glaze in solid colors.
1912 Oriental Ware. . . Embossed creamware shading from cream to red with various garden scenes executed in black.
1912 Navarre Faience . . . Green backgrounds with incised Art Nouveau figures filled in white . . . made from Owens' Henry Deux molds.
1912 Cobalt Blue Line . . . Jug, cat soap slab, cuspidor, Baby line&emdash;two handled mug, bowl, pitcher and plate&emdash;in cobalt blue with gold trim.
1912 Mat Green becomes Silken Mat Green; Blended Glaze becomes Raduro Blended ware.
1915 Cleo Vases. . . Simple shapes are decorated in bright colors with stylized floral or geometric designs on ivory backgrounds with shaded borders of various hues, similar to Roseville's Persian.
1915 Agean Inlaid. . . On standard company shapes embossed with the Greek Key motif in green with white accenting pattern.
1915 Blue Bird. . . Ivory backgrounds are decorated with three flying blue birds, with rose accents at rim and base on simple shapes.
1915 BabyLine. . . Mug, bowl and pitcher in ivory with red bands, animal figures, and word "Baby".
1915 Roman Decorated. . . Horizontal bands of deep gold or green separated by wide contrasting panels decorated by means of pouncing with scenes of ancient Rome . . . chariots and lions.
1915 Flora . . . Wide horizontal center panel is decorated with repetitive border of stylized flowers, in Salmon, Canary, Umber, Maroon or Green.
1915 Beautirose Ware. . . Embossed shapes featuring a central and bordering rose pattern on ivory backgrounds with green highlighting and red roses.
1915 Dresden Ware. . . Embossed shapes with pointed vertical panels alternating from solid green to ivory with red roses, on ivory backgrounds.
1915 Decorated Autumn Oak Leaf . . . A jardiniere and pedestal is shown, embossed with naturalistic autumn oak leaves with a small squirrel visible among the foliage . . . the base has a bark-like appearance.
1915 Basket Ware. . . Woven basketweave bottom with a wide border at the top decorated with clusters of grapes, vines and leaves. Shown in "Ivotint", ivory accented by rich gold in the embossed work, green leaves and vines, and pink grapes. This glaze treatment is later called "Peach Bloom Ivotint", and is used on "Amaryllis" shapes. (See Collectors Catalogue of Brush-McCoy)
1916 Basket Ware. . . Same line as 1915, shown in Blended Glazes of greens and browns.
1916 Novelty Grass Growing Hobo Head and Pig. . . Hobo #070, Pig #079.
1916 Bon-Ton . . . Mat glazed, embossed ivory ware decorated in green and brown tints. Two styles are shown: (1) panels of long stemmed tulips alternate with pea pod decoration, filigree border around top. (2) Embossed grape and leaf motif decorates wide horizontal band in center.
1916 Vogue . . . Greek Key and/or Column design on stark white backgrounds with black, green, or gold emphasizing the pattern.
1916 Nurock . . . Quality utility ware in yellow and brown glaze, similar to Old English Rockingham.
1916 Dandy-line . . . Yellow kitchen ware trimmed with white bands.
1916 Willow Ware. . . "White-Stone" Bristol glaze (ivory) shaded top and bottom with blue, in a basketweave design. The tankard is further decorated with a floral spray.
1916 Peacock. . . Peacock at the fountain embossing on Nurock or Blue and White.
1916 Cooking Ware. . . Crocks, baking dishes, pie pans, etc., in yellow ware, with blue lined interior.
1916 Decorated pitchers . . . #43 Iris, # 57 Old Mill, # 53 Amsterdam (Kissing Dutch Kids), #35 Tulip, #33 Copenhagen (daffodil), #36 Fleur-de-Lis. Shown in natural colors on ivory . . . solid green or brown . . . or in blue and white.
1916 Sylvan . . . Embossed creamware with knarled trees whose leaves form the top edge of the ware, with green and brown tints accenting the pattern, occasionally found in solid glossy green.
1916 Cuspidor, #13. . . Shown in various glaze treatments: cream with green bands; cobalt blue with gold festoons; or creamware with green band over row of wreaths.
1916 Our Lucile Toilet Set . . . (named for daughter of George Brush) Stoneware in ivory Bristol glaze shaded with blue and decorated with an embossed bow knot and/or rose floral decal.
1917 Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Bowls, BirdBaths, Etc.... Ornamental pottery for table and garden.
1918 Bruco Toilet Set . . . Embossed creamware, decorated with green shading and floral decal in natural colors.
1918 Arbor Condiment Set. . . Cereal jars, spice jars, salt box, oil or vinegar bottle, with lattice background in white, decorated with cluster of blue grapes and green leaves.
1918 Old Mill Condiment Set . . . White background decorated with a windmill scene.
1918 Patriotic Bee . . . Red, white and blue bee made for coat lapel or ladies hat.
1918 Uncle Sam's Hat. . . Red, white and blue match or toothpick holder.
1918 Vista . . . Parading white ducks on a green background under a blue sky and white clouds, framed at the rim by the tree tops. Ducks are omitted on the hanging basket.
1918 Lotus. . . Vertical ivory pointed panels on solid green or grey background.
1918 Monochrome. . . Embossed design in neutral grey, with borders of flying white birds.
1923 Jetwood. . . Shaded bisque-like background in neutral colors hand decorated in high gloss black scenes representing twilight in the woodland.
1923 Zuniart. . . Clay body decorated with horizontal bands of Indian designs in colorful glazes.
1923 Stonecraft. . . White stone body with glazed interiors, and colorful decorative border in high relief.
1923 Onyx. . . Simple shapes in high glaze with richly blending colors in shades of either green, blue or brown (referred to as red).
1923 Art Vellum . . . Simple shapes in soft colored glazes resembling ancient parchment.
1923 Nuglaze. . . Jardinieres with embossed design featuring either roses and masques, or grapes, in rich tri-colored combinations.
1923 High-Gloss. . . Jardinieres with embossed designs of roses and masques, in solid colors of high gloss glazes.
1923 Jewell. . . Shaded bisque-like exteriors decorated with high gloss design. Triangular voids within rose-red triangles form border under rows of blue and white dots, squeeze bag technique.
1923 Egyptian . . . Dark brown glaze with green antiquing on standard jardiniere shapes.
1924 Panelart . . . Paneled sides with trees, flowers or other designs in alternating panel only. Some bowls are shown with a pattern that forms a border at the rim. In deep gold and/or green.
1924 Florastone . . . Stoneware background decorated in high gloss with stylized floral design in rich hues of blue and rose with white accents, under arcs and rows of dots.
1924 Krackle-Kraft. . . Simple shapes in white glaze with blue crackle effect, which only rarely forms an identifiable image.
1925 Colonial Mat. . . Simple shapes with vertical panels forming sides in mat colors of green, fawn, and blue.
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