McCoy Pottery Trademark - Copyright Information

McCoy Pottery Mark

A century of Pottery. W. Nelson McCoy Pottery, J.W. McCoy Pottery Company, Brush McCoy Pottery.


Trademark - Copyright Information

McCoyPottery.Com Trademarks, Copyright and Brand Guidelines

When Do I Need Permission to Use McCoyPottery.Com Brand Features?

The short answer is, almost always.

All of McCoyPottery.Com's trademarks, logos, web pages, screen shots, or other distinctive features ("McCoyPottery.Com Brand Features") are protected by applicable trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property laws. If you would like to use any of McCoyPottery.Com Brand Features on your website, in an advertisement, in an article or book, or reproduce them anywhere else, you must first receive McCoyPottery.Com's permission. We've tried to make this process as painless as possible.

The first step is to review the McCoyPottery.Com Brand Features Guidelines (the "Guidelines"), which provides an overview of the process and sets forth certain things you cannot do. Those Guidelines will lead you to the Permission Request Form, which you need to complete and send to us. Please note that by signing the Permission Request Form, you are agreeing to both the Guidelines and the McCoyPottery.Com Brand Features Terms and Conditions (the "Terms and Conditions"), which you should carefully read, understand, and agree with.

Go to the Guidelines.


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